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There are times in our lives that we may witness the impossible made real...when miracles of light transform sheer darkness.  Regardless of experiencing debilitating yet motivating struggles of childhood traumas, abandonment, neglect, PTSD, insomnia and even houselessness, these challenges stood no match to the force of Divine healing power and destined purpose for her to be a vessel, voice and visionary helping to fulfill Thy will on earth in others.  Donna lives to move others, through music and message, to a right relationship with the Divine and a new breakthrough conscious paradigm that transcends the current mental reality of increased suffering and restores the individual and collective soul to wholeness and fulfillment of light.

With an education in finance and psychology from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Tx and an evolving career from corporate medical sales in healthcare to her own business and ministry in 2006 as a spiritual teacher, public speaker and recording artist performing at over 175+ events, she has been helping people heal, restore their mind and body back to wholeness and encouraging them to live out their individual unique purpose as well as the higher spiritual purpose.

Now, Donna is pioneering groundbreaking discoveries into human potential, wellness and personal fulfillment that answer the call of our time for restoration individually and collectively.  This level of revelatory insight disrupts the entire medical, healthcare and mental behavioral industry with a crystal clear vision on how to lead people from the root cause of problems to a specific awareness, consciousness and lifestyle behavioral practice that not only restores illness back to wholeness but fulfills the ultimate purpose of the Divine in creating a new emerging vital humanity.

She guides others to a deeper understanding of the call on our lives through a multi-disciplinary message on spirituality, the quantum physics of human consciousness, human behavior and integral wellness. 

She has been called a lighthouse by her peers, and a "phenom" by former President of the NSA (National Speaker Association), Jane Handley, and NSA Speaker Hall of Famer. She has been an inspiration to creative artists, renowned speakers and life coaches alike and has an anointed ability to speak and sing life straight into the hearts of everyone she touches.

Donna’s audiences experience a hybrid of a profound revolutionary message and inspirational entertaining music, creating a transformational experience that Alan Austin of The Genesis Center could only express as, “..the most significant event in our history." Her captivated audiences are immersed and guided through an awakening of the heart that becomes a life-changing celebration.

Weaving messages in and out of music is Donna’s signature form of purposeful sequencing that melds insight with intimate stories to allow for an instantaneous collective healing. She has been described as amazing and unforgettable in her keynote speaking and as truly electrifying in her musical performance, but Donna is simply a walking, talking and singing example of courageous leadership beyond suffering and is sharing a new message for a new era..."The Revolution".


Donna is a 5-time Award Winning Inspirational Recording Artist and Speaker. She has performed along side Dove Award winning artists. Donna has been recognized in various mediums including television, print and radio, as guest, host and producer. She has received multiple accolades and awards including:

Album of the year, “Finally Letting Go”, CIA Momentum Award

Best Artist, GMA

Best Song, “We Are One”, WL Magazine

Donna Kay Faulker
Donna Kay Faulkner
Donna Kay Faulkner
Donna Kay Faulkner won 3 music awards at Gospel Music Association
Donna Kay Faulkner singing to monks in Sri Lanka
Donna Kay Faulkner won "Album of the Year" CIA Momentum Award
Donna Kay Faulkner hosting Encouraging Lives radio show
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